July 24, 2005
Kai-Fu Lee - new developments
According Michael Liedtke (AP Business Writer) http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050722/ap_on_hi_te/google_microsoft_3Google retaliated with its own complaint in California seeking to override Microsoft's noncompete provision so it can retain Lee. In its suit, Mountain View-based Google contends the clause violates California laws giving workers the right to change jobs.
Now the situation looks as follows: http://blog.searchenginewatch.com/blog/050722-104916
1) On Tuesday we learned that Google has hired Dr. Kai Fu-Lee away from Microsoft to lead Google China
2) Several hours later, news that Microsoft was suing Dr. Lee in King County, WA Superior Court. The lawsuit claims that Dr. Lee was breaching the Microsoft employee confidentiality and non-compete agreements by joining Google before the agreements had expired.
3) Late yesterday (7/21/05), word that Google is was countersuing Microsoft in a California court.
Here's Great Search Wars Logo http://blog.outer-court.com/archive/2005-07-19.html#n43

Posted 21 years, 3 months ago on July 24, 2005
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